Uh ur…because I didn’t blog my run year at.all.
So this is my quick “smasheverythinginto1post” attempt :)
Lets look at the highlights – shall we:
My theme for last year was: “Getting Back in the Saddle”
After my 1st marathon in December 2010 my 2011 year was a hard comeback….seriously

(my lowest mileage in March and highest in August)
As you can see 1st quarter was a steady decline…
Excuses Excuses
Jan – Guess I need to “try” to Run
Feb – Too cold
March – Sick the entire month with a head/chest cold
And then from there the rest of 2011 was a rollercoaster at best.
You know: burned out, busy getting married, rebounding, trying to shake the love pounds, building endurance, getting back up to pace, blah blah blah.
Again….my year sucked and didn’t start looking up until towards the 4th quarter when I decided to register for a few races.
My highest mileage month being 73.1 miles in August and the lowest a whooping 6.3 miles in March. I ran a total of 576.3 miles for 2011.
Lessons learned in 2011:
1. Keep going no matter what!
2. If you fall off the wagon – it’s hard as #@!% to get back on it.
3. PUSH anyway
4. Despite race burn out, I need to sprinkle some throughout the year to stay on track/motivated.
As far as 2012:
I will let you know what I am working on in another post. Promise it won’t be a new year when I post again :)
However, I will say my 2012 goal is to run 800 miles for the year.
That would mean about 65 miles per month for an estimate of 780 total. Mas o Menos I just rounded up to 800.
Again more to come about 2012 year.
But lets take a quick look back, as I definitely want to recap the races I did in 2011.
Originally I planned on 2 races (LungStrong and Turkey Trot).
I actually did 3 races (LungStrong, ROCKtoberfest and Turkey Trot). I threw Rocktoberfest in at the last minute only for what I thought would be a cool medal.
I wanted to do the new Huntersville Half but after running ROCKtoberfest I was over the “hills”.
Here are my 2011 Race Recaps (literally based off my iPhone notes & pics):
1. LungStrong 15K – Date: 10/8/11 Race Time: 1:37
It’s just right mileage challenge to register for as I don’t consider 5K registrations worth it anymore.
I did a 1.3 mile warm- up because I wanted 10 miles in the race log for the upcoming half. So in the race I was always a mile ahead…man what mind games! LOL
It was a gorgeous day! Cool in the AM but warmed up and got sunny. It was a pretty route as well by the lake and going through a park and the neighborhoods had BIG beautiful homes. I didn’t preview the route like I normally do and there were a couple back loops on the route #ugh! And the route was filled with rooooooolling hills #doubleugh I did end up with my left toes going slightly numb but I pushed thru it.
As always I met a race angel (well two). Carrie was originally running and ended up supporting me but finishing the majority of it with me from mile 3 on.
My other race angel was an older gentleman name Rick he was a 2nd year lung cancer survivor. PRAISE GOD!! That’s what it was all about right?? The reason why I was out there! What a way to put things in perspective. And he was running strong!
This ended up being my 1st race that I ran continuous!!
Other 1sts:
1st race since my marathon break
1st race in 2012
Of course hubby was there to support since his sprang ankle – and caught me on video beasting it (my 1st race recording too!). No medal :( but there was a great Christian Rock band out there and this was my best pace the entire 2012.
2. ROCKtoberfest – Date: 10/22/11 Race Time: 2:26
4hrs of sleep
Bad dinner - chicken sauce
Upset stomach heartburn all nite
Took 6 pepto tablets
Saw an old run friend - William
45 degrees @ start Glad it really wasn't windy b/c it was crazy earlier in the week!
Emily from 15K ran 1st 2miles
Ran with Adam (my race angel) next 7 miles
(I was exhausted here! LOL)
Brief walk after 10mi mark again @ 12mi
Meet Hope & Becky who helped me take it in Last mile toughest Hubby ran w/ me thru the finish lineBIG NOTE: I was faster last year (10lbs lighter) but was "stronger"
this year ( crying & choking on hills)
Oooh Lord U r Awesome x2
If it wasn't for love
If it wasn't for your Grace
I don't know where I'd
Be w/o U
Poor crowd participation. Seem like low # of racers too.
But last half mile PINK sign: I know a healer his name is JESUS!!
Avon Breast Cancer walkers cheered on as they walked
3. Turkey Trot – Date: 11/24/11 Race Time: 51:10
Is a blur now but recall doing better than last year. It is such an easy and run race to do.
Ran it by myself as Hubby was still recovering from his heel stress fracture so he watched me from the sidelines. But there were love ladies out there to giggle with at the start line.
Overall 2011 was my "Come Back" year.
And so glad I had the courage to keep going!