Monday, February 22, 2010

My First 5K Experience

Just wanted to jot down a few thoughts from my 1st 5k experience!

As I mentioned in my last post I was all hyped up for Cupid Cup scheduled for 02.13.2010.
But then we received some "flurries" the night before and the race was postponed for our "safety" (*eyeroll* from this born & raised Wisconsin gurl!) to 02.20.2010.

So by the time the race came I didn't have the butterflies in my stomach as I thought I would :)

I indeed did my homework in advance and looked over the course map several times, and "intended" to actually drive it to get a feel for the "rise/falls" of the course but never got around to it (would definitely do it next time!).

However, one of the blogs I follow did a great job of providing a course description of what to expect. So helpful!!

And a map was provided on the race website as well.

However, the "up" hills were a bit of a surprise to me and was happy I did a road run the week before that had some hills.

Prior to this race I ran outside all of about a handful of times (6ish??), as my primary training was done on the treadmill.

I had just started getting into a "running program" last fall doing C25K. BUT I will say I did feel like I was prepared for this 5K and the outside running helped out tremendously! I also could/had ran at least 3 miles a few times prior (not with ease but completed it Haha). SO glad I had that under my belt or I would have really struggled.

I would have loved to run the entire 3.1 miles, but I did 95% of the time and was satisfied with that.

The best advice I received prior going in was "Run YOUR own race"! You know don't worry about what everybody else is doing. Do what YOU can and the biggest win will be that you didNOT quit!! Yayay! :)

I strayed away from drinking before the race and in fact cut off ALL my liquids 8:30pm the night before (I have "issues" with using the bathroom while running to put it lightly LOL - a whole 'nother post). I was also in bed by 10:00pm (and did some right on time blog reading too - 5K Strategies by Runners) to be "well rested". Which didn't happen...I think it was my nerves kickin' in.

This race started at 8:00AM and I got up around 5:00AM did some light stretches (the day before was a rest day - no running, but did stretches on that day as well) and started to "wake" my body up. Took my time getting myself together (as I already set everything out the night before - definitely do that!! Per another GREAT related post: Getting Ready for a race).

Once I had my running clothes on I actually hopped on the treadmill for about 15 minutes for a warm up (.90 miles 5 min walk/5 min jog/5 min walk) to wake-up my intestines now (giggle). I had also read another great article the night before which talked about warming up your legs/body in advance (runners doing 2-3 miles for a 5K....mmmh not this chick! LOL I did my cool 15 and saved my energy for the real race ;op). The warm-up did the trick! And I was back home "taking care of business" :) Perfect! Haha! Then I ate a 1/2 bowl of oatmeal for some quick carbs (dinner night before was chicken parmesan).

Got in the car and met up with my friend at 7:15ish to find parking and did a brisk walk over to the starting area and began the race!

My friend Katrina gave me the green light well in advance that I could leave her (guilt free) and that was so helpful! So we ran together the 1st mile (and she had the nerve to try and stop by the water station - I made her keep moving LOL) and after our first up hill she wanted to walk, but I kept it pushing and waved "bye bye" :) She did great too and was only 3 minutes behind me for her total finish time.

Meanwhile, since I didn't have a running buddy anymore I began to pick "rabbits". You know someone who may be at the same pace as you are/slightly faster, that you focus on to keep up with or run after. And that helped out A LOT for me! Of course my music was bumping in my ears. As I crafted a nice motivating upbeat playlist to get me thru along with interval beeps that let me know where I was at in my progress in miles, pace, etc.

Towards the end of the race I was getting weary but it was all on a downhill so that kept me going! Let me tell you the people who stand by and are the "clappers" are THE BEST ever!! For some reason the clappers were "lite on their duty" that morning Haha! And I took a moment to gasp out to one of them "thank you for clapping", it truly makes you feel SO good!

I tell you one thing is for sure if I don't run a race I just may go down and support by clapping! Hmmm my PBRC group (Purple Butterfly Running Club) is doing a race very soon so I may do just that!! Yay!)

Race Verdict: I enjoyed this race, it was a great intro course, and luv'd the theme for the time of the year and cause they were raising money for so I would recommend and do it again!

Well that is it! I have officially been "de-virgintized" on 5Ks! Yay! :)


  1. YAY! Love this post! How did you do the interval beeps with your music?

  2. The clapping and cheering is awesome. During the half marathon there were way more people out cheering for us than I expected. On Providence Rd, people who apparently had forgotten about Thunder Road, were stuck in traffic while we all turned off of Colville onto Providence. They were rolling their windows down and giving us high fives. When I turned from Queens Rd on to Morehead, all these people were lined up and giving us high fives. It definitely helps with your energy level.

  3. How awesome is that!!! Congratulations and keep it up! Isn't that Couch to 5K program great (have it as an app on my iPod Touch)? I remember when I first started it and jogging for 90 seconds was the hardest 90 seconds of my life. I didn't think I could do it but I did it. I decided to stick with it and push through it and in no time (about 3+ months!) I was jogging for 30 minutes without stopping. I felt so accomplished... then I got a pain in my left foot that wouldn't stop - seems it might be tendonitis :( Now waiting to be seen by the podiatrist.

    Anyways, you are an inspiration and no doubt when I get this foot all fixed up I'll be back on the horse.

    Keep going and run safe : )

  4. Keep it up!

    I'm impressed!

    Now following this blog too!

    Keep up the good work!
